Ffmpeg mp4 to gif quality weird
Ffmpeg mp4 to gif quality weird

ffmpeg mp4 to gif quality weird

t is used before the -i input, -r is used after the input, so it affects the output.) ffmpeg -t 2 -i MVI_6654.MOV -r “15” thirdtry.gif Thanks to the -r flag, we can choose a frame rate for the output (note that these options do different things based on their order.

ffmpeg mp4 to gif quality weird

So it loops! kinda slow tho, maybe we can drop every other frame? A-ha.

ffmpeg mp4 to gif quality weird

ffmpeg -t 2 -i MVI_6654.MOV secondtry.gif But I bet I can make it loop nicely by just using the first few seconds, so we use the duration flag, -t and specify the duration in seconds. the filename at the end defines the conversion and creates the new file, resulting in: We’re calling the ffmpeg program and telling it that MVI_6654.MOV is our input file with the -i flag. After getting FFMPEG installed, let’s try it out on a MOV downloaded from my google photos account: ffmpeg -i MVI_6654.MOV firsttry.gif

Ffmpeg mp4 to gif quality weird